

Mr. Moore

Phone:        793-2225 x-1231

E-mail: [email protected]       



          This course is a broad overview of the field of metal working as it applies to Manufacturing. It is a hands-on course meaning that a large percentage of the work will be done with tools and equipment in a shop setting. The student will learn the use and maintenance of hand tools, the wise use supplies, and the use and care machinery as it applies to metal working. He/she will also learn design and problem solving skills while developing skills working in groups.

                Interspersed throughout the year will be lessons covering career development and planning. An important part of the curriculum is educating students on career possibilities after graduation. To that end, guest speakers representing the various areas we cover in Professional/Technical Education will be invited to share information about their jobs.

               We foster a challenging environment where students are, empower though education

keeping with that motto, in the Career Technology Education Department, we are striving for excellence by focusing on accuracy, workmanship, and timeliness. We strive to offer a challenging environment where students learn to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners. It is our goal to provide a quality, safe curriculum and facilities that use technology to achieve stated unit objectives 

Skill Level 2-4 See attached program standards
Level 2-4 Are expected to finish at least 1 major project a year. Normally they should finish one large project each semester
By their third year they should be able to pass the CTE welding test. and by their senior year they should have a good understanding of the CNC plasma table CAD/ CAM programs.


Unit 1- Machine and Hand Tool Safety

Unit 2- Linear Measurement

Unit 3- Layout Tools and Techniques

Unit 4- Micrometers, Calipers and Gauges

Unit 5- Metal Cutting Tools and Equipment


- Cold Chisels

- Sheet Metal Cutting Tools

Unit 6- Power Sawing and Cutoff Machines

Unit 7-Assembly Tools




                -Hammers and Mallets

                -Vices and Presses


Unit 8- Drills and Drilling

                - Machines


                -Drilling, Lubricants and Cutting Fluids

                -Sharpening and Maintenance

Unit 9- Abrasives and Grinding

Unit 10-Oxyfuel Gas Welding

  • Equipment and Supplies
  • The process (Welding, Soldering and Brazing)
  • Cutting Equipment and Supplies
  • The process


    Unit 10- Metallurgy and Hot Metals

  • Steelmaking
  • Kinds of Steel and Identification
  • Nonferrous Metals
  • Metal Casting and Forming
  • Forging, Extrusion and Heat Treatment

Unit 11- Metal Finishing and Marking


Unit 12- Design and Product Planning

Unit 13- Welding Fundamentals and Safety

                -Print Reading and symbols

                -Welding and Cutting Processes

Unit 14- Shielded Metal Arc Welding

                -Equipment and Supplies

                -The process

Unit 16-GasTungsten (TIG) and Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG)

-Equipment and Supplies

-The TIG Process

-The MIG Process

Unit 17- Resistance Welding

-Equipment and Supplies

-The Process.

Unit 18- Professional Welding

                -Inspection and Testing


                -The Welding Shop

                -Getting and Holding a Job

                -Tech Data


          Grades will be based on 2 major areas. Each being worth 50% They are;

  • Level 1. Tabs and ethic grade will be combined for level one.  Five joints each worth 100 points for each welding system.
  • They may make as many practice welds or joints as the time will allow but at the end of time the must turn in one of each joint to be graded.
  • The five joints are Butt, Tee, corner, lap and edge, they will be repeated for each new welding system Oxygen acetylene, Shielded Metal Arc welding SMAW (stick) Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) And finally Tungsten Integrated Gas Welding (TIG) if time permits. Level one will also learn plasma cutting torch cutting. And be exposed to CNC operations.

Project work, level 2 through 4; Frist each student picks his or her own project if they cannot afford one then a project will be given to them that will benefit the school and match their ability paid for by the school.  Points will be assigned to projects equaling that of their ethics grade. 2nd students will complete a mechanical drawing of their project which will give them a cut list and material list and a time out line and due date. 3rd they will construct or build their project in the allotted time that they themselves laid out. Grades will be earned based on four areas 1, Time line. Did they meet it.  2. Did they follow their own plans or drawings. If they deviated from the plans and why.  3. quality of work.  It is a professional job or amateur. 

4. level of difficulty. This depends on the student’s ability’s and year in class. 

  •  2. Work ethic. In general, what I grade on includes projects, workmanship, design, timeliness, and generally the qualities and characteristics that one would find in a good worker in any shop. It is expected that the student will work to the best of his/her ability asking questions when necessary but, accomplishing what can be done in the time provided. This takes into account absences, tardies, “goofing off,” too much talking, and other things that would detract from a student’s overall performance in the class. The student will always have a chance to make up excused absences but, tardiness cannot be made up. Grades and points will be earned on a weekly basis with each day being worth a maximum 25 points a day

 Written work will be included in the ethic grade and any points assigned to exams, homework and other written assignments or mechanical drawings will be added to their ethics total points and that number will be used to establish their project grade value.



          All tools and equipment will be provided to the student. If, however he/she has equipment such as welding helmets at home and wants to bring them for use that is fine. The student is, expected to bring Coveralls or old clothing to work in while in the metal shop as metal and processes are dirty while cutting oil and fluids stain clothing. Boots are highly recommended but only required in Welding.  No open toed foot-ware will be allowed in the shop at any time.  TEXT:         We will be using numerous resources along with the book Modern Welding by Althouse, Turnquist and Bowditch which will be furnished. This is a good reference text.

Level 2, 3, and 4, students will be expected to sharpen their skills in all the above area as well as learn to use our CNC machine and Hydraulic brake. They will be expected to build their own projects or projects assigned to them and work independently with minimal supervision.

Late work policy

The work here in the shop can be put in three categories’ daily, construction or participation, quiz's or assessments and individual projects. The first they 25 points a day if they are not here I give them the benefit of the doubt and go with their average for the week. 2 area test I will ask them if they want to make it up and they have until my last chance to put in for the qtr , However I will not chase them around or ask them to do it. And finally 3 third area project grades. Based on the size of their project and mechanical drawings they give me a due date. Much like a shop would tell a customer when they could expect a project to be done. Weather they meet it or not is worth up to 1/4 of their project grade. But once again they have until the last day of the semester to turn something complete in.   

Project grading matrix

There are four areas in each project that will be graded. Each area will be one fourth of the total value. The total value will be the same value as your ethics grade. Which is 100 points a week. Ten weeks equal 1000 points Project grade is worth 50% of your total grade and will not be seen until last day of the semester.

Four areas   Are

  1. level of difficulty
  2. following plans as drawn or sketched or verbally explained.
  3. Execution or skill level
  4. Time line.

Area 1 Level of difficulty there will be four possibility’s 

1 (easy) You will need to complete four easy projects in a semester to get full points. Examples could be a Bike ramp, or a wild game hanger.

2 (moderate) you will need two to three projects at this level too to get full points for a semester. examples ornate dining room table, simple trailer, fire pit,

 3. (Difficult) one to two projects to get full points for semester. Examples,  trailer with tilt bed or a unique feature that makes the trailer more difficult.

Dog box that fits in to the back of a truck. These depending on size and construction should be done well within a single semester and should have a minimum of at least one moderate project or two easy projects.  Depending on design and instructor approval  these project could rate a full semester.

4.(Extremely difficulty) This is an all year project involved with lots of engineering and fabrication. An example would be a trailer mounted saw mill.

Area 2 Following your plans

When a customer commissions a project ideally they will present you with a detailed set of plans. If they don’t you should draw the plans. Then get them to sign off on the plans then you will be excepted to build the project as drawn. The simpler the project the less needs to be drawn. However before starting the project the customer and builder need to  have the same understanding of what it is if they do not it will always be the builders fualt. The end product will only be excepted if you build what the customer expects and wants.  Any changes Has to be approved by the customer in advance of actually executing the change.  CHANGES should only be made because of incorrect math, Cost, functionality, or cosmetic and only for the betterment of the project not because it is easier.

Each change or deletion other than approved changes will result in a 25% reduction of points.

Area 3 (execution.) skill level. This area is subject to a lot of different variables but it comes down to this does the project look like it was built by a professional or a junior high school student in their back yard. ie correct prep, clean welds, tight joints fit correctly. Good finish painted powder coated ext , or was it left to rust.

Area four (Time line)

When plans are drawn and excepted by the customer it is customary to establish a due date based on the amount of hours project for the project. If a customer has to wait for a project chance are they will not be happy and they may not give you return business. On large contracts. There is a real chance of cost penalties for every day you are late. This is common place in government contracts. You Can make arrangements to come in on Fridays. Or after school. For every week you go past a due date there will be significant point drop. As much as 25% per week Unless excused absences. If you realize weeks before the dead line you may make arrangements with minimal point loss. D0 NOT wait until the last week to do this.   









Dear Parent;


On the front is my phone number and e-mail address. Please do not hesitate to notify me if you would like a conference or have questions. You are a valuable asset in the education of your kids and I appreciate your input.


Also, please sign in the place provided indicating that you have read this syllabus for Manufacturing Metals. I will give 10 points of extra credit when your student brings me this signature.



Eric R Moore

Industrial Tech

Horseshoe Bend High School






Parent Signature _______________________________________________________________________

