From here out all Science Assignments will be posted online to Google Classrooms and/or the student's QUIA accounts.
Students who are at home should check online to see if they have any assignments due.
Most Graded assignments are in Quia so please check there first.
If you have a question, feel free to email me at this address. I will probably not respond on week-ends but I will try to check frequently throughout the school day.
Attendance will be based on log-ins. I can see when you have responded to emails, done assignments on Quia, or did the practices in CK12.
You should spend some time on Science every day so that you do not feel overwhelmed by a backlog of work. If you want to spend the time and get the weeks assignments accomplished before the due dates, that will be considered equivalent to your weeks attendance.
I will maintain office hours from 9-3 Monday through Thursday if you need to contact me those are the best times to do so. I will maintain video chat times from 9-11 on Thursdays. there may be other times but those will be announced in advance for each class that is involved.
For the most part nothing has changed However, CK12 Textbook Reading will be increased and participation scores for the practices will be included in your grades, so do not ignore the textbook.
Quizzes, Games and Guided readings will all still all be in Quia.
I will be sending you "things to make and do" hopefully they will help with any boredom and help your understanding of Science but I will not be including them in your grade.
Welcome to virtual learning,
Stay safe,
Ms. Hutton
Course Descrip
Life Science is a Middle school level course that provides students with the opportunity to study living things. The Life Sciences comprise all fields of science that involve the scientific study of living organisms, like plants, animals, and human beings. The students will also learn about environmental and global issues which effect our world. Emphasis will be placed on skill development that provide students with the basic tools they need to understand living systems.
Scope and Sequence:
Semester 1
Unit 1 – Scientific Inquiry and Experimental Design
Unit 2 – Identifying Living Organisms
Unit 3 – Organization of Life
Unit 4 – Cell Theory
Unit 5 – Cells: Structures, Plant and Animal
Unit 6 – Cells: Organization, Functions & Processes
Unit 7 – Cell division: Meiosis and Mitosis
Second Semester
Unit 8 – DNA And Protein Synthesis
Unit 9 – Ecosystems: Relationships and Energy Flow
Unit 10 – Population: Interactions and Change
Unit 11 – Biological Communities
Unit 12 – Adaptations and Change
Unit 13 – Ecosystems: Human Interactions/Dynamics
Unit 14 –Plant Needs, Processes & Responses
Unit 15 –Animal Needs, Processes & Responses
Scientific calculator- Bring a scientific calculator as there are a few units of study which require use of a calculator.
Please bring the following every day!
- Writing utensils and paper- homework and calculations must be done in pencil, with erasures done neatly.Number 2 pencils will be needed for tests.
- It is your responsibility to keep up with your notes and other handouts. A binder dedicated to the class is a good policy, so that you can organize materials to study or find assignments that are missing from the grade book (it happens). Make sure that you are keeping up with warm-ups, notes, and handouts so that you are prepared for the tests.
- Closed-toe shoes on lab days- If you do not have closed-toe shoes on lab day you will not be allowed to participate.This is an important safety rule.
All work leading up to the final answer must be shown legibly in order to earn any credit! This policy is for all work turned in for a grade, including quizzes, tests, labs, and homework. NO WORK, NO CREDIT!
Students may not give or receive unauthorized help (cheating) on tests, homework, or labs the student will receive a zero on that assignment. This means that all work represented as being your work must be your work.
Assigned work must be turned in by the due date. Any late assignments may be turned in by 8:30 am the following school day, for a maximum grade of 70%. You may elect to drop any one assignment during the course of the Quarter as long as they are not 100 point Projects or Unit tests.
You must be seated and working on the warm-up when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy.
If the student is absent it is their responsibility to gather the assignments that they have missed upon the day of their return. Check with classmates, the posted calendar and lesson plans, and write ABSENT by your name for your assignments. If you missed an exam or lab, schedule a make-up. Please keep in mind that the format of the make-up is at the teacher’s discretion. The student must complete and turn in the make-up work in a timely manner, usually the number of days missed plus one.
Cell phones are not to be seen or heard during class unless given specific instructions. Put your phone away, in your backpack or bag, and be sure it is silent. If you need to look something up, you may use your laptop. Computers may be used as long as whatever you are doing is pertinent to the lesson. Clean up after each lab.
This course is devoted to the discussion of the ideas and concepts of Biology Although particular attention will be given to those concepts considered to be appropriate and transferable to the everyday living.
The grading for the course will be as follows:
GRADING: Tests and quizzes will be given regularly throughout the semester, with a comprehensive final exam the conclusion of the semester.
90-100=A 60-69=D
80-89=B <60=F
100 pts each for Midterm and Final Exams
We will also be using an online quiz, testing and practice platform on Quia.
Go to,
Make your own account and create a username and password. Please write these down so you can remember them later as I will not have access to information that will help you retrieve it. I will provide the class pass code so that you can access practice games and quizzes or take tests as well as access the textbook.
Weekly 20 min quizzes given on Thursday at the beginning of class, covering the text questions for the chapters covered during that week.
The laboratories are to be completed and turned in at the end of the laboratory period. The lab grade is based on these experiments - there is no laboratory exam as such, although there may be laboratory-related questions on the in-class exams. There will be no make-up labs, you may use your option to drop an assignment if you need to.