Substitute Teachers

Prepare plans with the mindset that your substitute is seeing everything for the first time. Assume your substitute has no familiarity with how things work in your classroom or in the school.

A substitute folder is an essential resource that all teachers should have prepared and clearly labeled on their desk in case they are absent. This folder should provide the substitute with important information to help them teach your student’s throughout the day.

The following list includes general items to include in your substitute teacher packet:

  • A current class list: Provide a class list and place a star next to the students that can be trusted to help the substitute with any questions they may have.
  • Teacher Schedule/Routine: Include a copy of the daily routine. Provide information such as how to work your Smart board, projector or how attendance is taken and where it should go, how students work is collected, when students are able to use the restroom, how students are dismissed, etc...
  • Classroom Discipline Plan: Provide your classroom behavior plan. Inform substitutes to follow your plan and leave you a detailed note if any student has misbehaved.
  • If you have a seating chart: Provide a copy of the class seating chart clearly labeled with each student’s name and any important information about each child.
  • Safety Plan Protocols: Include a copy of the school’s evacuation, lockout, and lockdown protocols.
  • Notes: Ask that the substitute take notes along the way to give you feedback.

A leave request from can be found in the Share Drive (S Drive-->Faculty-->Forms).

Contact LaDonna Vinson by email or phone when a substitute is needed.

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